How financial advisors help women amid divorce

These days, most women navigating their way through divorces fail to take advantage of the assistance of financial advisors. If you are among them, you may be doing yourself a disservice. Research shows that a primary concern among today’s divorcing women is how to divorce while remaining financially secure, and this is one of several areas in which a financial advisor may be able to help. 

According to Forbes, about 95% of modern women fail to hire financial advisors during their divorces. However, more than 60% of divorced women now wish they had used this type of professional while their divorce cases were ongoing. 

How they help 

Just how may a financial advisor help you navigate your divorce? For starters, an advisor may be able to help you identify any hidden assets or income streams your spouse may be attempting to hide. Also, if you have specific financial goals you want to achieve once you begin life on your own, a financial advisor could give you a better shot at achieving those goals. A financial advisor may also be able to identify potentially valuable assets you may not have considered, giving you a better shot at receiving your fair share of everything you deserve. 

Additional benefits 

A financial advisor may also help you set yourself up for retirement. Current estimates suggest that more than 70% of divorced women admit that they failed to plan accordingly for retirement, with many of them leaving the majority of this responsibility to their spouses. A financial advisor could assist you in identifying priorities and steps to take that may give you more stability when it comes time to retire. 

You only have once chance to navigate your way through a divorce, and it is typically much easier to pursue the things you want before your divorce becomes final. Hiring a financial advisor may give you the knowledge and resources you need to set yourself for a bright financial future, post-divorce.